Transforming an esports startup into a media darling


What does it take to differentiate yourself in the hottest entertainment segment today? 

Nerd Street Gamers is a growing esports startup that leveraged a passion for amateur competition to build a brand that had drawn significant interest from marketing partners and investors. But its segment of the industry wasn’t getting the media attention it deserved. The company needed a way to build massive brand recognition through the media, and set itself apart from the competition to continue its growth trajectory with partners, investors, and customers. This was no small feat. Esports media were dining out on a steady diet of millionaire pro-gamers, streamers that had become celebrities, and tournaments that awarded six-figure prizes. 

The answer: A public relations program focused on consistent, high-profile media coverage, building a clear narrative of expansion and traction in the market that no other company could match.


At the time Nerd Street Gamers engaged Gregory FCA, the startup was moving at lightning pace, with a new funding round and key partnerships in the pipeline. Gregory FCA quickly built and executed a strategic campaign with key executives and the marketing team that focused on the growth of amateur esports, with Nerd Street Gamers and its CEO and Founder, John Fazio, at the center of it all.

An account team with deep expertise in the gaming sector identified key topics, trends, and partnerships. These assets were leveraged to develop storylines around esports marketing, retail, and building a community through amateur competition that resonated with key media. Through it all, Gregory FCA coached Nerd Street Gamers on positioning and messaging, making the most of each interview and drafting each announcement to earn influential exposure that rapidly elevated the profile of the company and its founder.


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Through countless media interviews, Gregory FCA raised the profile of both Nerd Street Gamers and its CEO and founder. The company was transformed into a highly visible media darling, attracting the attention of high-profile prospective investors and partners. By working with a PR firm that had the right contacts and knew how to tell stories that resonated with mainstream media, Nerd Street Gamers was able to differentiate itself in a crowded market, establishing a narrative of high growth and increasing influence.