AI continues to pick up new capabilities that support the work of PR, but these systems still have shortcomings and limitations. To get a clearer view of the landscape, Greg Matusky hosted Darryl Sparey, Managing Director and co-founder of Hard Numbers, a U.K.-based marketing and communications agency, on the latest episode of The Disruption Is Now

The two talk about AI’s real impact on PR and how functions like SEO already look different since the launch of ChatGPT. Their conversation highlights practical insights for putting AI to use as well as ways communication strategies are shifting and how agencies are adapting to the changes. It’s a timely update on the state of AI in PR from two agency leaders immersed in the changes. 

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Key takeaways

AI adoption starts with change management 

Large organizations are integrating AI tools, like Microsoft’s AI Copilot, to help employees write, analyze data, and create presentations more efficiently. But the real challenge is ensuring effective use.  

Without proper training and change management strategies, these tools may not be used to their full potential and employees might not see the benefits of increased productivity and higher-quality work.

SEO evolves with AI 

AI’s impact on SEO goes beyond content creation. Darryl mentions how AI can suggest ideas and thought starters for content. For instance, AI can provide a list of relevant topics and considerations, some of which might not have been initially obvious to the user.

Additionally, AI is being used by search engines like Google and Bing to better target advertising and enhance search results by better identifying high-quality content, although the industry is still adapting to these changes.

PR agencies can do more with AI

AI enables PR agencies to operate with smaller, more efficient teams. New PR agencies can start with fewer employees thanks to AI tools that automate repetitive tasks and improve overall efficiency. This trend allows smaller agencies to compete with larger firms by being more agile and resourceful.

Key moments

  • Impact of AI on PR tools and strategies (3:02)
  • Challenges of AI adoption and the importance of change management (5:22)
  • The importance of play in AI adoption (9:09)
  • How AI is impacting SEO (11:10)
  • Where AI writing falls short (17:29)
  • When simple prompts get the job done (19:51)
  • Darryl’s principles for AI use (21:44)
  • New research on the rise of AI startups (24:04)
  • The future of AI in PR (27:30)