Is the office market really in a state of “financial upheaval?” Recent headlines paint a bleak picture of the office market. The Wall Street Journal highlights office loans defaulting to near historic levels, and on the flipside, Forbes declares 2024 the year of tenant retention amidst a hybrid work revolution. But is this the full story?

Join us on this episode of PlotLines as we sit down with Jim Paterno, Founder and CEO of Stockton Real Estate Advisors, to discuss the current pressures and transformations within the office market. Jim discusses myths and talks opportunities for office, including Philadelphia’s role in staging a comeback and how his firm has pivoted to become a bona fide player in managing distressed assets. 

Tune in to hear why Jim would “rewrite” the headline as, “New leadership and bold action pave the way for a resurgent Philadelphia.” 

Listen to the full episode below and follow along for our next guest!

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