Last week, more than 2,500 bloggers, podcasters, reporters and personal finance enthusiasts from across the world descended on Washington, D.C., to attend the ninth annual FinCon, which bills itself as the world’s largest financial content expo.
The tagline for this four-day conference is, “Where money and media meet.” The event is designed to help bloggers and financial influencers learn how to create better financial content. However, FinCon has evolved into so much more than a conference. FinCon is a community of longtime friends who lovingly refer to each other as “money nerds.” These money nerds are passionate about personal finance and committed to helping each other achieve their goals.
“As someone who’s been to every FinCon, it’s clear that I’m a big fan!” shared Eric Rosenberg, freelance finance writer and founder of Personal Profitability. “It’s wonderful to have an opportunity to connect with great friends and colleagues from around the globe while simultaneously learning how to thrive in my online business. I wouldn’t have the career I do today without FinCon.”
Because this event is built upon collective growth, the community welcomes new faces with open arms to share their experience and advice. In addition to countless networking opportunities, this year’s FinCon included keynote addresses by New York Times best-selling author Ramit Sethi and CNBC Senior Personal Finance Reporter Sharon Epperson, as well as talks delivered by influential bloggers such as J.D. Roth and FinCon Founder Philip Taylor.
To share a taste of the FinCon culture, we’ve compiled a roundup of #FinCon19 tweets to highlight key moments from this year’s conference. Enjoy!
For someone who counts personal finance, fitness and politics amongst their passions, the 10k run past DC’s National Mall with fellow money nerds was a great way to spend sunrise #FinCon19
— Jennifer McDermott (@JenMMcD) September 5, 2019
The room is filling up! About to give a keynote to ~2,000 amazing attendees at @FinCon I love the community at this conference #fincon19 — Ramit Sethi (@ramit) September 5, 2019
“There’s no shame in spending on the things you love if you truly love them and you can afford them. Everyone talks about saving, but no one talks about spending.” — @ramit shares @FinCon. #FinCon19
— Lindsay (@lindsayfitz_) September 5, 2019
Authenticity and authority can’t exist separately, said @our_nextlife at #FinCon19 keynote! Totally agree on this for engaging with your audiences. — Yue Jiang (@YueJiang) September 5, 2019
“The majority of people with credit card debt have the same levels of anxiety as those awaiting biopsy results.” — @bhardeman & @KorrenaBailie #FinCon19
— Brian W. Ferrie (@bferrie1) September 4, 2019
Calling all money nerds!! What’s your biggest takeaway from #FinCon19? 🙂 @PlutusAwards @OurTable4Two @TreadLightly_RE @TheFioneers @APurpleLifeBlog @WalletHacks @FairerCents @MixedUpMoney @The76KProject @AndyHillMKM @BitchesGetRich @LizOfficer @fimechanic @CashflowCop — Piki Living (@pikiliving) September 9, 2019
“Every book is an equity asset.” Todd Tressider #quote @FinCon session on the truth about publishing a book. Excellent session with @CHLebedinsky @bobbirebell too! #FinCon2019
— The Purpose of Money (@purpose_money) September 6, 2019
Have you been to the #NEFE @FinCon @KidsLiveToGive service project yet?? Come by to give back to the local community. #FinCon19 — NEFE (@NEFE_ORG) September 6, 2019
Something for everyone involved with providing financial education content to remember #FinCon19
— Dr. Barbara O’Neill, CFP®, AFC® (@moneytalk1) September 5, 2019
The 9-time FinCon attendees. Legendary. #FinCon19 @jdroth @AffordAnything @BudgetsAreSexy @MapleMoneycom @Doughroller @harlanlandes @ptmoney @BethanyBayless — 🅿🅷🆈🆂🅸🅲🅸🅰🅽 𝚘𝚗 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴 (@PhysicianOnFIRE) September 7, 2019
“That’s a great question, but I think what you really want to ask me is this…” @jeanchatzky on the art of the dodge. #FinCon2019
— Beth Braverman (@bethbrav) September 6, 2019
Having a blast with 45 savvy female money experts including @JeanChatzky @bobbirebell @BrokeMillennial @JohnsonEmma @KathrynTuggle at #FinCon2019 @Fidelity #FinancialFaceoff — Veronica Dagher (@VeronicaDagher) September 6, 2019
Loved the advice shared tonight by the money-smart women at the @Fidelity Women and Money dinner. Here’s the advice I shared. #FinancialFaceoff
— Cameron Huddleston (@CHLebedinsky) September 6, 2019
“A 30-minute conversation and a hamburger… that’s all it took to start our collaboration.” –@TomDrakeCanada Tom, @ptmoney, @jdroth, @WalletHacks and @5dollardinners share their blog collaboration experience on the panel: “Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts.” #FinCon2019 — Lindsay (@lindsayfitz_) September 6, 2019
At the #FinCon19 #Plutus19 awards! Thanks #CapitalGroup!
— Vicki Cook (@MSDLifeCoaching) September 7, 2019
What an extraordinary experience! Thanks to @ptmoney & @FinCon for inviting me to give the closing keynote at #FinCon19. It was a blessing & honor to share my journey with 2,500+ attendees – and feel so connected to each and every one of them! #FinCon2019 — Sharon Epperson (@sharon_epperson) September 8, 2019
Party like a money nerd. #FinCon2019
— Beth Braverman (@bethbrav) September 8, 2019