Investor Relations in the Modern Economy

Capital markets and communications have undergone unprecedented disruption over the past decade.  

No longer is the bare minimum of investor relations enough to stand out–a quarterly earnings release or call, sporadic investor outreach and updates. Investor Relations in the modern economy requires companies to creatively communicate institutional impact and value using new and emerging channels and media.

Gregory FCA takes a uniquely contemporary approach to investor relations, combining the needed and necessary with the innovative and advanced. We think differently, with a background that includes in-house corporate IR experience combined with more than 30 years of creative communications knowhow. 

To influence, communicate, educate and drive shareholder value and to capitalize on megatrends in investing such as: 

The Want for Continual Communications 

24/7 news cycles. Twitterized attention spans. Information overload. Shorterism in a long-term game. Demands constant, consistent, and unrelenting investor communications. Gregory FCA increases news flows to keep investors informed. Engaged and committed. Through blogging. Social media. Newsletters. Email marketing and digital communications as well as retargeting we use modern communications techniques to reach contemporary investor audiences.

The Celebritization of the C-Suite 

It’s real. It’s important and it’s high impact. More than ever, perception is reality and CEOs need to act as influencers, thought leaders and market makers. We teach. We train and build content that transforms the C-Suite into a powerful asset for driving awareness, connecting with market participants authentically, and establishing thought leadership that builds enterprise value.

The Power of Retail Investors 

Data tells the story:  

  • Retail investors comprised about 17% of the market in January of 2020,  up 25%+ six months earlier. 
  • Six of the largest online brokerage accounts control 100 million retail investors. 
  • The number of retail trades made using the largest e-brokers increased by 8.1 million on a daily basis, in January 2021, an increase of 23% from December 2020.

Gregory FCA knows where retail lives. That they matter and the channels they follow. The news they seek and how they inform decisions. We can unravel the retail riddle, unlocking hidden value for you.

New Emerging  Media 

Put new media to work for you. In a world without gatekeepers. Where content is king, and off-the-radar influencers, podcasters or bloggers hold more investor clout than “insider” conferences or mainstream media. The dismantling of traditional media has opened new digital and social channels to claim. To infiltrate and to own. This is where we play. All day long. In the contemporary world of modern communications.

A much needed call to action

If your investor communications program has stalled. If it’s shackled by the past. Built on outdated expectations. If your management team doesn’t get that we need to think outside the box. Controlled by the same old, same old. Contact us to breathe new life into the tired, tried and no longer true. Let us help you get noticed in a busy market. With a service offering that spans the needed and necessary while offering more to build value in a disrupted and distracted world, where investor expectations have been forever changed.  




The Needed and the Necessary




Using integrated storytelling to differentiate investment strategy



How thought leadership supports distribution efforts for ETF product suite




Hosts Heather Crowell and Britni Ackrivo engage with real estate experts to examine and question the narratives driving the market. The podcast provides a platform for industry insiders to share their perspectives on the real dynamics shaping the real estate sector.

Let us help you tell your story

If your investor communications program isn’t gaining the attention it deserves or you’re new to the world of investor communications. If it’s shackled by the past or you don’t know where to start. Let us help you convince management to think outside the box. To get noticed. Contact us to breathe new life into the tired, tried and no longer true. We will get you noticed in a busy market. With a service offering that spans the needed and necessary while offering more to build value in a disrupted and distracted world, where investor expectations have been forever changed.