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The Disruption is Now is an insightful podcast series, steered by Greg Matusky, Founder & CEO of Gregory FCA. Our focus is on the burgeoning world of artificial intelligence, exploring its transformative impact on industries and the way its employees will work and engage in the future. Each episode offers quick yet impactful conversations with innovators and visionaries at the forefront of AI. Our guests bring diverse perspectives on how AI is both a challenge and a ground-breaking opportunity that must be explored. Join us on this enlightening journey, as we demystify AI, explore its potential, and witness its transformative power. Together we will see how this technological shift is molding our present and future. The Disruption…is NOW.

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Gregory FCA invites individuals with unique insights into artificial intelligence to join the conversation. Interested participants are encouraged to appear as guests. Fill out the form below to recommend someone who may be a good fit.